Taming the Temper Within

Segment 1: Anger is a Normal Human Emotion.

Our guest on this episode of The Doug Noll Show is Nathanial Smith. Nathanial is a professional counselor specializing in anger, depression, anxiety and domestic violence. His is the author of Taming Your Temper, a Workbook for Individuals, Couples and Groups. His website is http://www.nathanielsmithcounselor.com/.


Nathanial’s father was in the mental health profession for many years and helped thousands of people, which is ultimately what drew Nathanial to this career. He’d like his legacy to be the same as his father’s: help people get in touch with their emotions and become empowered and courageous enough to address feelings of anger, anxiety and depression. Anger is a normal human emotion, but when it’s applied as a form of aggression and people’s rights are violated, it becomes a problem.


So how do you teach people to manage their anger? In his book Taming Your Temper, Nathanial gives exercises to practice control. There are pragmatic ways to communicate and solve conflicts, but it needs to start at a young age. Parents need to sit down with their children and talk about communication and feelings.


Segment 2: Emotional Intelligence.

In Nathanial’s experience, men don’t learn to express feelings. It’s important to teach our kids emotional intelligence at an early age so they can become empathic adults. Nathanial is a cognitive coach: he helps people become aware and articulate what they’re feeling and make a choice about how they want to respond in that moment. Once people realize they do have a choice, they become empowered.


Segment 3: The Physical Response to Anger.

Nathanial wanted to write a book to help people realize that their anger is manageable. He began putting together a list of tools to help clients during their counseling sessions, and realized after a while that he had enough information to create a workbook. The book is full of exercises and examples that people can use to become emotionally aware. He wanted to give people a way to get help in the privacy of their own home.


There is a physical response to anger: your heart rate gets faster, your adrenalin surges, your muscles tense up, your prefrontal cortex shuts down and you look for some sort of a release. With people who are resistant to becoming vulnerable and exploring feelings, Nathanial starts with teaching them the physical response. Once they understand that, he moves into the emotional part. Somatic awareness is one of the first steps of developing emotional intelligence.


Segment 4: Fear Shuts Us Down.

Empathy is defined as recognizing the emotions of others. To do this, we need to learn how to be in touch with our own emotions. Fear shuts us down and can devastate our lives. Nathanial finds that once people push through the fear of having to open up and be vulnerable, they bloom and have a fantastic transformation.  


To listen to the entire interview:


Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4

Achieve Emotional Freedom

Segment 1: Be Right or Be Happy.

Conflict is heavily tied to emotion. Often emotion arises from traumatic experiences and is a means of coping and surviving those experiences. As peacemakers, how can we work with our emotions so that they become liberating instead of confining? To answer this question we will be speaking with Don Milton on this edition of The Doug Noll Show. http://donmilton.net/


Don’s passion is teaching and coaching others to find opportunity and wisdom within stressful situations. He empowers his clients and encourages them to embrace open doors and unlimited possibilities. He believes that to thrive after catastrophic events depends on our attitude and how we approach the situation. We can either have a break down or a break through. So why is it that people have such a difficult time understanding the choice? It’s human nature: we would rather be right than happy.


Segment 2: Connecting the Head and the Heart.

Don has studied a lot of healing modalities and spiritual practices. His journey began after his divorce in 1990. He grew up in the Catholic Church but started questioning it when he was 18, which led to more and more questions and confusion. After a tough divorce, he met people who had a glow about them and a peace about them, and he wanted that. He began to study energy work and had a spiritual awakening in 1992, and that experience totally changed his life. His journey has been about connecting his head and heart. He says, “The ego and the mind are great things as long as you don’t use them too much.”


Segment 3: Emotional Freedom.

Don calls himself an “Emotional Freedom Coach.” He helps people understand what causes emotional distress and gives them tools to help eliminate the stressors. Don defines the “Cycle of Creation” as: our beliefs determine the way we think about things, our thinking determines the way we feel about things, our feelings determine the actions we take, which determines the results that we get, and then our results determine our beliefs. Beliefs are not easily changed. It takes a great deal of determination and self-awareness to change beliefs.


Segment 4: Divine Guidance.

Don’s work can help folks with anxiety and depression, among other things. He is deeply interested in the mind-body-spirit dynamic. Don believes everyone has access to divine guidance. We all have a divinely directed path as well as free will, and we have a choice: to be right or to be happy. His daily prayer is: I pray to know God’s will for me today, have the faith and the courage to do my part and not be attached to the results. As long as he stays in that space, everything works perfectly.


To find out more about Don and his work, please visit his website: http://donmilton.net/.


To listen to entire interview:


Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4