We Knew We Were On to Something

My wife Aleya and I knew we were on to something when we prepared for our first relationship video series. Hundreds of people in a few days viewed our video confirming what we suspected. Couples are hungry to learn skills to develop that one thing we all crave at our core, yet for so many is elusive. I am talking about emotional intimacy. To be listened to, to be heard, to be understood on a deep level without judgment, blame or recrimination for who we are and where we are at on the path along our own personal journey of life. What a blessing to be able to share what Aleya and I have developed for ourselves personally and for others through our respective business practices.

We are doing it again! Sign up for our next relationship video August 13 at 7pm, and be part of the change that strengthens the fabric of love: http://www.aleyadao.com/pages/102/Relationships.html