The Lawyer as Cognitive Counselor

In legal negotiation, your client will have to make the final decision about whether to make a deal or not. As we have seen, human decision-making in the face of great risk and uncertainty is fraught with peril. Our brains simply do not handle statistics, probabilities, or logical thinking very well, especially when under stress, fear, or other emotion.

The job of the lawyer is to not only manage the negotiation so that the best possible outcome can be obtained, but also to help the client overcome the inherent distortions of the human brain so that decisional error is minimized. This is what I mean by cognitive counseling.
Some lawyers shy away from this idea saying that they are not therapists. I think it is important to understand that were not talking about therapy. Therapy involves diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis with the goal of healing injury. Cognitive counseling is more like coaching to help clients make good decisions.

The first step in cognitive counseling is to recognize decisional errors. This will take some practice, but armed with the information he received from you so far, you can see that any type of emotional reaction is potentially the cause of decisional error.

In addition to calling out decisional errors, you can slow the process down. Sometimes getting outside and walking around for a while is a useful way of getting some cognitive rest. Do not allow the process to accelerate so quickly that your client becomes overwhelmed emotionally or cognitively. Frequently, clients will leap ahead to find objections why a certain decision should not be made. As a cognitive counselor, try to maintain the decision-making one step at a time and bring your client back when he or she leaps forward.

In these situations, you will have to make an empathic connection with your client by listening, reading his or her emotional data field, summarizing the essence of what your client is saying, and labeling his or her emotional experience. When your client seems overwhelmed, have your client focus on what is really important. Most lawsuits are not life-changing. Therefore, you can ask questions about what life will look like five and 10 years ahead. Helping your client gain perspective on what is really important can be of crucial importance during the heat of a negotiation.

As I have repeatedly said, take good notes and be sure to memorialize your conversations with your client in a follow-up letter. The problem of the under settled case is growing as negotiation and mediation becomes more of a mainline practice. You will need to keep your client in line by making a written history of what happened.

Cognitive counseling is an iterative process, which means that you will repeat the same things over and over again. Sometimes it will seem like you are spinning your wheels. However, it is your repetition, patience, compassion, and understanding that will be the greatest service to your client. Your client will not remember your brilliant legal analysis. She will remember how you treated her and a very difficult and extreme moment of her life.

Remember, the best way to win the game is to call it yourself.

Better still, change the game completely.

Douglas E. Noll
Mediator, Author, and
California Lawyer 2012 Attorney of the Year
for Pro Bono Service
Creator of Negotiation Mastery for the Legal Pro
A new online course in cutting-edge legal negotiation