Right Relationship Webinar Series: Peacemaker Teaches Peace is an Inside Job

Los Angeles, Ca (PRWEB) August 09, 2012 Award winning peacemaker and award winning author Doug Noll has teamed up with his wife, Aleya Dao, world renowned energy healer to teach couples the secret communication skills that lead to emotional intimacy, and how to provide the stability and security that couples seek through their new Right Relationship Webinar Series. “When I wrote the book Elusive Peace, the focus was conflict resolution in international affairs. At the time that seemed the most pressing issue and least understood concept. I now realize that learning and applying the same principles to a marriage or partnership offers the same successful results in keeping conflict from escalating, helping families to remain intact, and shifts emotional orientations that will create stronger communities with less internal emotional damage,” Noll explains, adding that “peace begins within, and starts at home.”



Noll teamed up with his wife after sharing their professional experiences. “We discovered that sessions with our clients, Doug’s mediation clients, and my coaching clients—were similar in regards to what we were teaching and what their deepest desires are. My clients want to be heard and intimately understood. Doug’s clients reduced their conflict when he taught them how to listen and develop empathy,” Dao says.


Noll and Dao realized that the communication principles they both teach could be applied to relationships, so they made a You Tube video that reaped so many visits, that they knew they were onto something ( ).


Right Relationship Webinar Series starts August 12, 2012. Registration is available at the couple’s website page http://www.aleyadao.com/pages/102/Relationships.html