Meredith Richardson - Conflict Management Specialist

Meredith Richardson - Conflict Management Specialist,

Segment 1 Meredith Richardson’s Journey

On this edition of the Doug Noll Show we have with us Meredith Richardson. We hear about her journey and Meredith tells us about the mediation process in New England. In terms of mediation, the difference between the two states is very interesting, Maine has had mediation flourishing for about 40 years and mandates mediation. For New Hampshire, it's taken a long time to take root. In New Hampshire, mediation is not mandatory. You still opt into mediation in a variety of circumstances instead of it being something that is mandatory. Meredith does a good amount of divorce mediation in Maine and New Hampshire.

Segment 2 The Mediation Process

In this segment, Doug and Meredith continue their chat about the mediation process in Meredith's work. Meredith shares with us three kinds of people she mediates. The first ones are " we're not ready to have divorce but are looking to make their relationship better they're looking for some assistance of getting through a difficult conversation or just looking to improve their communication skills and their skills around conflict". This is usually done via retreat with a couple therapist and they do this out on Star Island for 4 days for people who are really wanting to strengthen their relationship. The second type of people who are those trying to be very mindful in terms of their divorce and their coming to her before even touching the court steps. This helps them find out how to do this and do it well so they can file all the documents at once. And the third type are people that have already gone through the court system and they are coming to her to mediate.

Segment 3 Trailing Dockets

Doug and Meredith discuss the length of time to come upon an agreed mediation and the famous trailing docket. Trials are typically scheduled on what is called a “trailing docket” meaning that your case can be called to potentially go to trial several times in a given month. It could take several times being on the trial list before the case is heard. Meanwhile your attorney has to be prepared and you are left hanging as to whether it will happen or not. This bost costly and stressful. After the trial, it can takes weeks and sometimes months for the court to issue a written decision, which can be challenged by motions for reconsideration or an appeal to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. This is why it can take years to receive a divorce in Maine. As you can imagine, mediation is less time consuming and can prove resolve sooner.

Segment 4 Resolution before the Court Steps

Doug and Meredith discuss developing a market in the non litigated disputes. There are thousands of disputes in our society, community and families. People no longer want to just go lawyer up and go to the courthouse. They have conflicts that would be a lot better if they can just get them resolved on their own with mediators.


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