Anti Bullying Coach and Advocate - Ajay Rochester

Ajay Rochester - Anti Bullying Coach and Advocate
Websites are (Anti-bullying site)

Segment 1: Ajay Rochester

On this edition of the Doug Noll Show, we have Ajay Rochester. Ajay is a singer, host, inspirational speaker and as a mother of a son with Aspergers, she is a passionate anti bullying advocate and coach. She recently launched her anti Bullying awards, The Kapowies (which stands for Kids Are POWerful In Every Sense) at Stan Lee's Comikaze in Los Angeles.
In July it will be making another appearance at the world famous Comic-Con and she has teamed up with Batman editor Jordan B Gorfinkal to host a FREE "Be Your Own Hero" cartooning and writing workshop for kids. There they will guide the kids to create anti bullying superhero characters with super powers to stop bullying. It is hoped the children will then take those themes and attach them to their own lives through roleplaying.

Segment 2: The Bullied and The Bullies

In this segment, Doug and Ajay discuss the cause of bullies. Some of it is lack of parenting and involvment and the other is the media. In today’s day and age, kids are online all of the time. What we think is silly and we shrug off make s a true impact on the children for what they think is important thus become emotionally connected to the internet. As we all know, the internet is a tool for bullies.

And, it’s not just the kids. Adults are just as bad. The teachers of her son were bullies as well. She would have to go in each school year to teach them about how to treat her child which had autism. She helped her son overcome a very difficult time by making a video. This has led her to the path of Kapowies. This segment is fascinating and a must hear.

Segment 3: Kapowies – Anti Bullying Awards

Ajay gets into more detail about Kapowies where kids up to college age can enter. You can learn more about Kapowies by visiting Be You Own Hero!

Also, in this segment, Ajay shares with us that often times bullies and the bullied have commonalities. If they can find a common interest and common ground, they often become friends. Listen to this segment where a daughter of a friend made friends with her bully over beads.

Segment 4: Getting Involved

Ajay’s goal is to spread the word about Anti Bullying. It exists in every part of the world in every age group . You have power. Use it for good. Share and spread the word. It’s our responsibility.

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