The Story of a Peace Maker, in Business and in Life

Headline: Rachel Wohl, Executive Director of Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO)

Segment 1: Rachel Wohl. On this edition of the Doug Noll show, we have Rachel Wohl. Rachel began her personal journey by mediating as a lawyer. She wanted to make a career doing mediation so she changed gears. She needed to take the same process she had learned in mediation and applied it to MACRO’s mission: To collaborate with stakeholders statewide to develop, improve, and expand high quality alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services in courts, communities, criminal and juvenile justice programs, state and local government agencies, schools and universities, and for the general public. MACRO pursues its mission by (1) providing grants and technical assistance to courts and mediation and conflict resolution programs, (2) coordinating a mediator excellence program that helps practitioners to hone their skills and improve the quality of their practice, (3) helping to raise the public’s awareness and use of ADR options while serving as a resource for people and groups in conflict, (4) conducting research and evaluation, and (5) working to advance the conflict resolution field and keeping Maryland at the forefront as the field evolves.

Learn more about her personal journey in this segment.

Segment 2: Meditation helping Mediation. In 1993, Rachel began meditating which began as a spiritual practice. This led to a mindfulness practice. She went to IA and did a week long course with Len Risken. Len’s other teacher discontinued the practice and Rachel was asked to teach with him. During this time, they really focused on “Taking stock “ while mediating and check in where they are during the mediation process. She has been teaching with Len for 10 years. Listen here to hear how this helps the successs of her mediation practice.

Segment 3: Mediators beyond borders. Rachel got together with Ken Cloak and a group of people wanting to create mediation over seas. This was based on a dream instead of sending bombs and weapons around the world, we should be sending mediators around the world. The organization began in 2006. The organization has grown and is doing extraordinary work. The Israel project is very near to her heart. Mediation beyond borders was invited by a leader in a special community in Israel. He wanted the group to review his curriculum by working with Arab and Jewish co-mediators to help with disputes (small claim). Listen to this segment to learn how this organization helped create conflict resolution in Israel and it’s communities.

Segment 4: ABA Task Force. Rachel is the Co-Chair of the ABAThe task force. This task force included a group of mediators that decided to do focus groups in 9 cities of high end litigators that were taking upward of 30 cases to mediation. Listen to what the Task Force learned and how they were able to help litigators and their clients.

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